Eine neue jüdische Internationale

Eine ganze andere Sicht, als sie gemeinhin hierzulande vertreten wird und die viel Anlaß zur Debatte geben kann: Auf der Plattform Mondoweis schreibt Marilyn Garson über den ersten gemeinsamen Kongreß des Netzes in London im Juni 2024.

„The International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine began in opposition to the IHRA antisemitism definition and is now a worldwide network of organizations from 16 countries working as partners with Palestinians in pursuit of justice.

Mission Statement of the IJCJP

„We are Jews from diverse countries, part of local, national, international networks and organizations. We are connected by our involvement in the struggle for Palestinian rights, and by our determination to work for justice. We oppose Zionism and all forms of racism. We came together to share our experiences of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism. Although it claims to protect Jews, the IHRA Working Definition is in fact being used to shield Israel from valid political challenge, silence Palestinians, and suppress any mention of Palestinian rights. The IHRA’s weaponization of antisemitism sets a dangerous precedent for limiting speech on many issues. We take this as our immediate priority, but it is only a starting point for our collective commitment to build a more just world.“

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